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Justin Rosner

A rejoint Battery en 2014
Domaines de compétences : outils logiciels et technologies industrielles SVT (Science de Vie et de Terre)
focuses on growth- and later-stage investments in the industrial-technology and life science tools sectors.

Justin is a principal who focuses on growth- and later-stage investments in the industrial-technology and life science tools sectors. He is currently involved with Battery’s investments in AnalytiChem, Axiometrix Solutions, Goodfellow, ifp Institut für Produktqualität (ifp), Mobius Institute, , Robotiq, Skalar, SPT Life Sciences, steute Technologies and Titian.

Justin’s previous investments include Process Sensing Technologies (PST), which was acquired by AEA in 2020. Battery retained a portion of its ownership, and stayed actively involved alongside AEA, before PST’s subsequent acquisition by DwyerOmega in 2024.

Avant de rejoindre Battery, Justin a travaillé chez Copley Equity Partner, une société de capital-investissement axée sur les investissements dans les marchés de taille moyenne inférieure.

Justin graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College with a BA in economics and public policy. While at Dartmouth, he was a member of the varsity soccer team.

Le rachat par Battery Ventures de la société Goodfellow, experte en matériaux spéciaux et en conseil, a été élu transaction internationale de l'année 2021 par Insider Media.